Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Web API for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online or internet facing deployments

What is Web API?
Web API is implementation of OData (Open Data Protocol) which is an OASIS standard that defines the best practice for building for building and consuming RESTful APIs.
Web API Authentication
- Javascript Web Resources: You don't need to specify authentication pattern if call is made from the CRM application.
- CRM On-Premise: When you use the Web API for on-premises deployments you must include the user’s network credentials.
- CRM Online or IFD: When you use the Web API for CRM Online or an on-premises Internet-facing deployment (IFD) you must use OAuth.

Steps to register your IFD or CUSTOM CRM application in Azure Active Directory 
Step 1: Login to Windows Azure portal
Step 2: Select your organization and click on applications

It will list down all the application configured in selected organization.


Step 3: To Add your CRM application click on Add button.

Step 4: Add an application my organization is developing
Step 5: Enter name of your application


*Note: Web application or WEB API is selected for web application and for desktop, console it should be native client application. Since our sample is native client application, hence selected “Native” option
Step 6: Click Next and add redirect URI

Step 7: Once application is added, we need to configure it

Step 8: Add Microsoft dynamics crm permission to this application

Step 9: Assign Delegate Permission to Microsoft Dynamics CRM


Step 10: Save the Changes

Step 11: Copy Client ID, that we will use in native client application

Console Application: This sample demonstration will use OAuth authentication to connect CRM Services and your application MyCRM registered in Azure active directory.


static void Main(string[] args)
            // TODO Substitute your correct CRM root service address,
            string resource = "";

            // TODO Substitute your app registration values that can be obtained after you
            // register the app in Active Directory on the Microsoft Azure portal.
            string clientId = "db329e3d-4d6d-4ef2-9195-bfad1daed689";
            string redirectUrl = "";

            // Authenticate the registered application with Azure Active Directory.
            AuthenticationContext authContext =
                new AuthenticationContext("", false);
            AuthenticationResult result = authContext.AcquireToken(resource, clientId, new

        static async Task RunAsync(AuthenticationResult result)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0);  // 2 minutes
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
                    new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken);
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("api/data/v8.0/accounts");

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    string s = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();



Make sure to add nuGet package “Active Directory Authentication Library” in your project.

: Since we have not passed credentials in code, login window opens, here enter your credentials.

Once you sign-in JSON response will be returned.


Helpful Links:

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Round Robin Assignment Microsoft Dynamics CRM

What is Round Robin?

It is rotation of tasks through a group. A task could be a lead, case etc. Round Robin term frequently used when to assign tasks to team members. Leads and cases are commonly assigned through “Round Robin” implementation, but it can used for other entities too.

In this blog, I have discussed Round Robin assignment for leads in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, but the concept is same for other entities too.

In this example, we assign newly generated lead to a member of specific team (SalesTeam), instead of doing it manually we have done it through round robin. Here "SalesTeam" can have variable members, and team size  can change any time (member(s) can be added or deleted).

All this is achieved through a custom entity "counter", workflow and custom activity.

Custom Entity: "counter" entity will have integer value in a field "currentcounter" and 1:N relationship between "counter" and "lead" entity. This "currentcounter" will be pointer to a member of "SalesTeam" to whom new lead should get assigned. When "currentcounter" values reaches to threshold i.e. Count of Member of "SalesTeam", it will get reset. 

Custom Activity: It provides a user(member) entity record which belongs to "SalesTeam" based on "currentcounter" value of "counter" entity and also provides next "currentcounter" value calculated based on no of members in team ("SalesTeam").

Workflow: Assign lead to a user and update "currentcounter" value in "counter" entity by the value returned from custom activity.

Sales Team Member

“counter” and “lead” has 1:N relationship, a record has added in “counter” entity with “currentcounter” value set as 1, which is pointer to first member of “SalesTeam”
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)!=currentcounter Action: INCREMENT currentcounter by 1
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)==currentcounter Action: RESET currentcounter to 1
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)!=currentcounter Action: INCREMENT currentcounter by 1
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)!=currentcounter Action: INCREMENT currentcounter by 1
One more member added to team (user4)
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)!=currentcounter Action: INCREMENT currentcounter by 1
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)==currentcounter Action: RESET currentcounter to 1
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)!=currentcounter Action: INCREMENT currentcounter by 1
Two members are deleted from team (User2 and User3)
Condition: CountofMembers(SalesTeam)==currentcounter Action: RESET currentcounter to 1

Initially system will have one record inserted for counter entity and have value "1" for "currentcounter" field. Based on team size the "currentcounter" value will be updated.

*Note: Team name "SalesTeam" is hard coded  and case sensitive in this example. In case you are implementing it for a different team, change its name accordingly.

Implementation Round Robin

A. Customization

Create Custom Entity “Counter”

Add Field “currentcounter” to Custom Entity “counter”

Create 1:N relationship between “counter” and “lead” Entity

1.       Customize “lead” Entity Form

Add relational lookup to the lead entity form and change its visibility setting from field properties.

Save and Publish your changes, and add an entity record for counter entity

B. SDK - Custom Activity

Create custom activity and register it in Plug-in Registration Tool.

using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow;
using System;
using System.Activities;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace POC.AssignCounter
    public sealed partial class GetUseronCounter : CodeActivity

        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
                IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>();

                IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory =

                IOrganizationService service =

                //Get entity from InArgument
                Entity counter = service.Retrieve("new_counter",
                   this.InputEntity.Get(executionContext).Id, new ColumnSet("new_currentcounter"));
                if (counter.Contains("new_currentcounter"))
                    //Fetch xml to get users of a team. Here one user will be returned per page and page position will be
                    //decided on current counter value.
                    string xmlquery = "<fetch version=\"1.0\"  mapping=\"logical\" distinct=\"true\" page=\"" + (int)counter["new_currentcounter"] + "\" count=\"1\" returntotalrecordcount=\"true\">" +
                                        "<entity name=\"systemuser\">" +
                                        "<attribute name=\"systemuserid\" />" +
                                        "<order attribute=\"fullname\" descending=\"false\" />" +
                                        "<link-entity name=\"teammembership\" from=\"systemuserid\" to=\"systemuserid\" visible=\"false\" intersect=\"true\">" +
                                        "<link-entity name=\"team\" from=\"teamid\" to=\"teamid\" alias=\"aa\">" +
                                        "<filter type=\"and\">" +
                                        "<condition attribute=\"name\" operator=\"eq\" value=\"SalesTeam\" />" +
                                        "</filter>" +
                                        "</link-entity>" +
                                        "</link-entity>" +
                                        "</entity>" +

                    FetchExpression query = new FetchExpression(xmlquery);
                    EntityCollection users = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

                    //Set out argument OutputEntity- first user entity of resultset.
                   this.OutputEntity.Set(executionContext, new EntityReference("systemuser", new Guid(users[0].Attributes["systemuserid"].ToString())));

                    int newcounter = 1;
                    //Counter value should not exceed to total member count of team, in case if it exceeds
                    //that means user has been deleted from team.
                    if ((int)counter["new_currentcounter"] >= users.TotalRecordCount)
                        //Set default value 1
                        newcounter = 1;                                          
                        //Increment by 1 current counter value
                        newcounter = (int)counter["new_currentcounter"] + 1;

                    //Set out argument OutputCounter- new counter value, that will be further
                    //used by workflow to update counter entity.
                    this.OutputCounter.Set(executionContext, newcounter);


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("GetUseronCounter ERROR>>>>>: " + ex.StackTrace.ToString(), ex);

        public InArgument<EntityReference> InputEntity { get; set; }

        public OutArgument<EntityReference> OutputEntity { get; set; }

        public OutArgument<int> OutputCounter { get; set; }


C. Workflow Creation

Create a synchronous workflow 

     When a new lead is created in system, this real time workflow will get triggered. And all the steps defined will execute in order.

Step 1: Set a counter value for newly created lead. A lead can be created from web forms or through SDK calls. We don't want user to select counter entity every time whenever a new lead is created in system. Also there is a relationship between counter and leads, therefore a counter record needs to be set for lead and round robin implementation.

Step 2: Custom activity will be called, it takes the counter entity assigned to the lead.

The above activity will be returning two parameter, one will be the user to whom leads should be assigned and the other will the next "currentcounter" value

Step 3
: Update the "counter" entity's  "currentcounter" field value by the updated value returned from Step2.

Step 4: Assign lead to the returned system user from custom workflow activity Step 2. 

Step 5
: Stop the workflow with "Success"

Step 6
: Save and Activate workflow.

Test - Implementation Round Robin

Create Sales Team and add members

Create leads in system it will be auto assigned to Sale’s team members.

You can add or delete members to team, round robin will assign leads to a member of team.